Woman Sparks Debate With Hot Water At Restaurant To Clean Silverware

The MRL Morning Show

Weekdays 6:00AM-10:00AM

Woman Sparks Debate With Hot Water At Restaurant To Clean Silverware


ManeyMarch 18thShare

A lot of people have weird habits when dining out, and one woman’s unusual behavior is causing a bit of a debate online. A woman on TikTok recently share video of her out to dinner, showing a bowl of pasta with a glass of hot water next to it.

She asked users, “Does anybody know why I get hot water every time I go out to eat?” After it was viewed over 160,000 times, she revealed that the water is there so she can disinfect her silverware to make sure it’s clean.

Well, folks had some strong opinions about her behavior, with a lot of folks supporting the move.

  • But some folks did think she was being a little ridiculous.
  • Source: The Mirror